Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Birthday

I turned 24 on 6th December 2011, and weeks prior to my birthday I felt a little depressed. I think it's really a combo of many things like: 2011 really sucked for me, then people were talking about how fat I was and I actually took offense, then work was.. hectic because I was new and learning, and yeah, because I was still single. Usually these things don't really bother me because I am happy. I don't need a man to make me happy or make me feel complete, you know those bullshit people write on their S/O (significant other, not son-of)'s Facebook walls. Then I don't really care if I am fat. At least I don't have pimples. At least I have better skin than 75% of normal-weight people. Bukan nak mengejek or menghina.. Baka lah babe. Sorry guys I don't know how to translate. Kidding. Baka means gene. Genetic. Like, my mom didn't really have pimples. So I don't really have pimples. Then my dad...... when he was my age he wouldn't date pimply girls. And yeah only my dad understands why I am shallow. My mom is all beauty-is-on-the-inside....................... What crap. If beauty is really on the inside, then I would be a model like Miranda Kerr.

Okay so anyway.

I didn't really have much to say about my birthday because like I said I felt like crap, then my friends surprised me outside my flat with a cake on my birthday eve, and I felt......... happy. And I felt like I had every single thing I could have asked for in the world and trust me, even though I am shallow I AM NOT OVERBOARD. I don't ask for Gucci or stuff. (I mean, I asked for Prada but I didn't get it, but there's always this year).

I was truly happy and for a little while I felt good about myself. Pictures:

On my actual birthday, we had dinner at Nabin's @ Sultan Gate, then we went for an impromptu karaoke session.

I was actually going to a bar for my birthday but I realized I'd rather spend my 24th with my friends. And no time like my 24th to kick the bottle. Right? Psyche. I drank during New Year's but it was more like 3 sips. 'Cause I don't understand how anyone could fuck a Mojito up but this is another story for another day.

Thanks for making my birthday a special one. :)

You Know The Drill

I have done this countless times. I blog for a while, then I get bored, then I delete my blog, then I start on a clean slate, then I tell you guys what my new blog is, then you bookmark it (or remember by heart, or Chrome does the remembering for you), then you read, then you laugh and then I repeat the whole cycle. And you wait. And you eventually get tired like my sister.

I am sorry. (emo lah pulak) But it's just me. It has nothing to do with you. And I welcome you back. And I hope you make yourself feel at home. And just so you know, I am going to write about three entries before I actually let you know about this blog.. Just so you know, I was serious when I apologized 4.5 sentences ago.

All right. Here's the deal. I think over the years I've pretty much said most things I've always wanted to say. Like.. sometimes I hate lesbians, sometimes I'm a lesbian, sometimes I have arguments with my colleagues, sometimes I'm racist, sometimes I'm not, yada yada yada.

I think the whole point of blogging is to share. Share what? Share stuff! Whether you like it or not.

I won't promise it's going to be a great blog because I have lazy days as well and I'm usually busy at work (well, I do sneak in a Facebook status once in a while, usually when I am pissed off) so I can squeeze some entries during the weekend. If that's okay with you. Nah just kidding. It won't really be funny....... I've lost my blogging mojo but I just need a place to bitch about things. That's all.

But just say hi so I know I'm not talking to myself. We'll chat more soon!